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Overall Health

Hello friends! I have many questions about Bentley’s overall health. We currently are waiting for our appointment coming up with a new vet. Until then, I can’t help but think of ways I can be helping benny’s overall health. I have switched his diet from dry dog food to cooked meats & veggies daily. I’m buying everything grain free. After a lot of research on the web, I came across a site called petwellbeing & they have incredible reviews. One of the products they offer & which many people rave about on their site is the Mushroom Immune therapy. Has anybody here given their dog Medicinal mushrooms to help with their cancer spread & immune system? I have also read that fish oil supplements help with overall health. If not, what products do you recommend using to boost his energy & immune system? As far as his diet as well, am I feeding him correctly? It sure seems like it if you ask him lol. I just want to be sure I am doing everything in my power to keep him healthy since we did opt out of Chemo. I will post photos of Bentley shortly 🙂 He is still doing amazingly. We have been on many hikes & met many other doggo friends along the way! Bentley has had many sleepovers with his best bud! He gets lots of massages & I’m often feeling his bones to make sure none of them feel soft.. So far everything feels normal. His overall personality hasn’t changed much besides him being more tired.. I think that is just something that comes with the cancer? Not as much energy as before? If anybody has any experience with any supplements or advice, I would really really appreciate hearing about it! Thank you so much in advance for any feedback I get!

6 thoughts on “Overall Health”

  1. Bentley certainly is living his best life!!!! You are giving him so much joy and love and happiness! It just lights up my world to read about this boy AND to see pictures of one of the cutest dogs in the world!! Pictures….yes….HINT!!! Just because you posted some jn your previous ppst doesn’t exempt you from future posts!😉😉

    I’m not the best source for nutrition/supplements, but I do know certain mushroom therapy seems to have a good “reputation “. Check out K9 IMMUNITY and APOCAPS. I used both off and on with Happy Hannah.

    I can never remember how to smell the name, but Yunan Bayo….something like that….is a well researched mushroom that seems to be promising.

    Hopefully others will see this to give you more helpful input.
    Can’t remember if I mentioned member law at before (member name) . Dog Clyde is over two years with no chemo and lots of good supplements, nutrition, etc.

    Give cutie pie a big smooch for us!!
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  2. Bently is so dang cute!!!!
    And as Sally said pictures Please!
    Brownie uses the K9 immunities to keep his immune system strong. We also oped out of chemo. I did purchase the back and spine massager from the pet wellness site and Brownie lives it and it saves my hands. Since he is a mature flow and has been a tripawd for almost a year he has developed arthritis.
    I think the main tho g that keeps Brownie going is just lots and lots of love, and I know Bently is getting that from you and his best but! Nothibg but positive thoughts for Bently!

    1. Bently is so dang cute!!!!
      And as Sally said pictures Please!
      Brownie uses the K9 immunities to keep his immune system strong. We also oped out of chemo. I did purchase the back and spine massager from the pet wellness site and Brownie lives it and it saves my hands. Since he is a mature flow and has been a tripawd for almost a year he has developed arthritis.
      I think the main tho g that keeps Brownie going is just lots and lots of love, and I know Bently is getting that from you and his best but! Nothibg but positive thoughts for Bently!

  3. Hey guys! Just catching up on how things are going with Bentley. Glad to hear life is rockin & rollin in a good way 🙂

    Have you seen the Tripawds Nutrition Blog?. We have so many great tips for helping our pets stay strong and healthy after a cancer diagnosis. Just remember, try not to get too overwhelmed and know that even little changes are big ways to help him stay healthy.

    Also, please post in our Tripawds Discussion Forum Eating Healthy Topic to get MUCH more feedback from the community on topics like food and supplements OK?

    As for the tiredness. I’m pretty sure that’s got more to do with his new body than the cancer itself. Has Bentley seen a rehabilitation therapist yet? If not, now is the time. The best part is that the Tripawds Foundation may pay for your first rehab visit! See:

    Ok, gotta run. Can’t wait to see the new pics you’ve shared … love that boy!

    1. Hello!! Bentley is doing great 🙂 Thanks so much for checking in! & Thank you SO much for all the help and advice. I don’t know what I’d do without all the support from this site! It really means a lot!

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Bentleys journey with osteosarcoma is brought to you by Tripawds.