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1/24 Update

Hiiii everyone! All the comments that I received on my previous blogs showing support and sharing advice was absolutely amazing! I could not be more thankful to have found this site. Thank you very much to everyone who commented, you are helping me get through this journey more then you know! Speaking of which, I realized something recently. I can’t dwell on the fact that Bentley has cancer. I can’t let these days pass by with me being sad for benny. Often I find myself wondering, “What will I do without him?” “How will I live this life without my best friend?” Some people say I saved Bentley from that puppy mill when he was a baby. I say bentley saved me when I needed saving the most. To have this dog love me so unconditionally, is the strongest love i’ve ever felt. To have him leave, is going to be the strongest pain i’ve ever felt. That being said, I need to be more like Bentley. Full of joy, life & love. I’m only human for thinking these things about the future. We have an appointment coming up to figure out a diet for Bentley. Since the diagnosis, he’s lost some weight. I’ve been feeding him chicken or beef, and vegetables every night but it doesn’t seem to be sticking. By the way, I wish I had this problem lol. This hasn’t stopped bentley from loving life at all! If anything, he loves life a little more because he’s getting gourmet meals daily 🙂 We had a big snow storm so he got to indulge in that for the weekend with his best bud! The only difference that I have noticed since bentleys diagnosis is that he is an even bigger cuddle bug than he was before. Which I didn’t think was possible but it is and it’s wonderful! So enjoy bennys photos of his past week filled with fun & cuddles 🙂


6 thoughts on “1/24 Update”

  1. Bently is so darn cute! I just want to snuggle him! Is he laberdoodle?

    I know what you mean. Brownie is my Heart Dog and I have never imagined life without him. But it is what it is, and we will take one day at a time.

    Hoping for many fun days for you and Bently…

  2. SMOOCHING THE MUG!!! CUTEST MUG IN THE WORLD!!! I do believe Bentley knows how to pose for the camera and always show his “best side”…which is all sides with this dog!!!
    Yes, follow Bentley’s lead and do not waste one second worrying about the tomorrows….he sure isn’t!
    Yeah, sometimes homecooking neede to be tweaked a bit when a dog loses weight. Of course, being on the slim side as a tripawd is good for them
    I think a lot of dogs do snuggle more as tripawds because they know they are getting more spoiled than any dog voukf ever hope for and their hoomams arr willing to give them tummy rubs longer than ever before.
    Thanks for the smile making photos of your adorable pack.
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    1. THANK YOU!!! He has been front and center of my camera since the day I got him so yesss he has probably learned lol. Thank you for all the great advice!!! 🙂 Bentley appreciates all the support from you guys!!

  3. Oh that boy! What a cutie! He looks so joyful in the snow.

    You are SO right. Yes! You are only human and all of us share the same worries when we are dealing with something like cancer. Totally to be expected.

    But the fact that you recognize these emotions, and want to Be More Bentley and live in the present, means that you are already learning so so much. This will only help you both as you continue to make the most of every day. You’ve got this!

    1. Thank you! Snow is his favorite 🙂 It’s amazing to have soooo many people to relate to our new life with! I have been doing better at keeping positive & being more like Bentley. He is currently snoring on me probably dreaming about bacon 🙂

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Bentleys journey with osteosarcoma is brought to you by Tripawds.